Normally the public assumes all
musicians to be alike in nature, producing beautiful music like a nightingale
on a bough. But then there are vital issues, the one which has been in the
cross-hair for a few weeks now being as follows…how do the personalities of our
Music Greats differ in this unique aspect…why do some develop gharanas and produce a host of eminent shishyas, and why are more eminent ones
content with singing and departing leaving no archaeological evidence behind…?
Are there strong personalities and couldn’t- care- less ones…? Are there khalifas amongst them…?
Naturally, in the lines that
follow, we have occasionally proceeded by conjecture, drawing upon the
first-hand knowledge of our Missus, which
is not mean by any measure…handling our icons with due respect and
deference…that’s our caveat…
Once upon a
time nacheez used to be a teacher of OB, that is Organisational
Behaviour. Of course once a teacher always a teacher, and the ghost refuses to
desert this frame.
One of our
favourite discourses used to be the subject of Human Values. There are various
ways of approaching the subject, and scholars quote many many types of human
values, such as Aesthetic or, Political or Economic, and set store by each of
them in varying measure, in accordance their own personal values. Naturally
there are no good or bad values, and one may carry any number of values in any
measure he or she likes, he, he, he…
In the trainer
avatar, we held forth on many topics, such as Motivation, Leadership, Conflict
Resolution etc., mainly using some questionnaire type of ‘instruments’, or case
studies, or classroom exercises, and learning could emerge with varying fervour,
depending upon the classroom constitution, that day’s situation that is mahaul in Urdu, ‘situational matrix’ in
present day management gobbledegook..
One very
simple and extremely effective classroom game was about an assorted and
imaginary bunch of historical personalities travelling on your ship, you
being the Captain- confronted with the Titanic endgame (the gaggle could be:
Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, Dhirubhai Ambani, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Lata
Mangeshkar). There was only one life boat, capable of accommodating only three
persons, one of them of course being the pilot- you that is the Captain
would naturally go down with the ship. You had to co-opt two personalities, and
that choice would reveal your ‘inherent values’. For example a stock-market
type would protect the chor from Chorwad…Dhirubhai….A
discussion would then invariably ensue, and many interesting sidelights would
emerge. For instances we would accurately predict from individual responses,
who hangs around with who, from among the batch of trainees, or even who hated
who… That shared values are the bedrock of lasting friendship was the lesson
that impressed the girls (which includes boys).. most.
The Values
thing left an indelible imprint on our mental make-up, and to this day forms
one of our most important reference frames. And in it we may find a semblance
of explanation to many conundrums concerning Indian Classical. Why some
artistes went beyond the shores of the country, or why some created eminent
disciples and other equally brilliant, did not….. In fact, any form of human
endeavour is amenable to the Values touchstone…
According to
the school of thought Chabiwala Bank
then subscribed to, the prominent human values were Economic, Political
(Power), Aesthetic, Theoretical (Scholastic) and Moral (Ethical or Religious). Other
concepts we value, such as Love, Truth, Sociability, were supposedly subsumed
under one or the other Major, namely Aesthetic, Moral or Political in that
In the
context of our little game, the saviour of Lata Mangeshkar would be one with strong
aesthetic values, of Ambani, one with prominent economic values, and…you know….
According to
Dad, the three greatest Emperors of India, across the ages, were Samrat Ashok, Mughal-e-Azam Jalaluddin
Muhammad Akbar, and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It is to be noted here that they
were all respecters of the religious beliefs of all sections, and regardless of
whether they were themselves religious or agnostic, promoted tolerance. No one
can rule the lands and hearts of the sub-continent, unless he or she be Secular,
or pseudo-secular as the chaddivaadis call
Who'd you
rate as the Emperor, the Chakrawarti of Hindustani Classical? The
idea is not as silly as it sounds, really. It brings us back to the concept of
Human Values….
What set us
thinking was a remarkable comment by Samprasad Mujumdar on Youtube in response
to a Kirwani by Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, calling Ustad Ali Akbar the ‘Khalifa of Maihar Gharana’. He looked like one, but the rightful owner of that
title could be only one- his father, Baba Allauddin Khan.
This is what
we wrote a year back in
Baba was practically the first Maihar Ustad the public knows about, Maihar’s public face. The point is, if the gharana is of such a recent origin, what
accounts for the stature or the incredible depth of the Maihar artistes, like Ravi Shankar, Pannalal
Ghosh or Ali Akbar or Nikhil Banerjee, Sharan Rani...endless list, standing like Himalayan Peaks..?
Pandit Bhimsen…?...but
he lacked Political Authority, Pta. Kishoritai
commands awe, but not affection, Pta. Malinitai… does not exhibit the necessary
arrogance, Pt. Jasraj….is too democratic, Pt. Ravi Shankar has to seek the
permission of Baba...Classical ka Don
The most poignant description of Baba’s character is found in “My Maestro as I Saw Him”
by Pt. Nikhil Banerjee
According to Nihkilda.
To my mind Baba Allauddin Khan
Sahib was more of an institution than only a musician....
Then please see
This link documents the struggle
between Ravi Shankar and Vilayat Khan for ascendancy, and the aggressive role
played by Baba in the struggle. We suppose a Gharana promoter has
to be like that….to quote from bestseller ‘The Mafia Manager’:
“A man without enemies is a man without qualities. Even Jesus
Christ had many enemies.”
Just a joke हं this mafia वगैरे …but in essence
quite instructive…the apparatus of murder he used comprised really the lethal edge of the swara and the scalpel precision of the Raga!
![]() |
First and
foremost, Baba played a very robust masculine instrument and belonged to the
species Homo Bengalensis, which species is credited
with special Indian foresight and decides what India is not to do for the
moment, and let us hasten to add, Ustadji
was a rare exception...a doer..
Thanks to
Ustadji's leadership qualities, lots and lots of Indian Classical greats have
academies world over, Sun never bothering to set over the real estate..even
those who envy Pt. Ravi Shankar grudgingly admit the gharana's role in popularising Indian Classical overseas, done just
out of their evangelism, ....not from a business angle...
The very fact that he trained top artistes playing different instruments shows up his general abilities...the training of Pt Ravi Shankar reflects the technical, scientific, rigour the Ustad observed in respect of the tala- and that is why Robida admired and held in awe Pt Khaprumama..
The very fact that he trained top artistes playing different instruments shows up his general abilities...the training of Pt Ravi Shankar reflects the technical, scientific, rigour the Ustad observed in respect of the tala- and that is why Robida admired and held in awe Pt Khaprumama..
Ustadji's pedigree was
- Runaway from home
at 10 years of age,
- Initiated into Western Classical bands at Lobo's of Auchit Podlom Tujea Mogat..
- Learned Sarod from Senia artistes...
- Set up or may be revived Maihar Gharana at the feet of Sharada Mata of Maihar..
- On Saraswati Puja day, performed before the Goddess from outside the sanctum sanctorum, declaring himself sportingly as a mlechcha...
- Man of passion: responsible for the huge gash on Ali Akbar Khan's forehead- caused by tabla hammer used as missile in fit of rage- Ali Akbar had ignored riyaz that fateful day...
- Did not approach Shiv Sena when some Misguided Mulla issued a fatwa for boycotting his burial, with the result that the entire Maihar turned up, according him the status of Kabir…
So Nacheez, with the say-so of Missus
constructed the following chart and the premises, observations and conclusions,
some expected and others unexpected that emerze are given below…pardon the chhota muh badi baat..
V a
l u e
Allauddin Khan
Ravi Shankar
Pt. Bhimsen Joshi
Pt. Kumar Gandharwa
Ustad Amir Khan
Pt. Dinanath Mangeshkar
Pta. Lata Mangeshkar
Pta. Padmaja PJoglekar
Dr Ashwini BDeshpande
Pt. Jasraj
Pta. Malini Rajurkar
Pta. Kishori Amonkar
Ustad Vilayat Khan
Ustad Zakir Hussain
Pt. Bhatkhande
Carl von Bailiff
prominence of the value for the individual, Blue
for the species under question- the Institution Makers. Not to be taken as a
comment on Virtuosity…
PREMISES: In ascribing the values, particularly Economic Values
(the most sensitive), to the individuals, we have relied upon the royalty fee,
the outwardly showmanship, perceived reputation, and first hand acquaintance with
the luminaries. There is a scope of a 0.0001% error, he, he, he…
Every artiste has Aesthetic values in full
measure by definition.
The only four artistes with an identical
value-set are Ustad Amir Khan, Pta.
Malinitai, Dr. Bhide Deshpande and Missus (theoretical+ethico-religious+aesthetic)
The complete Human is only Pandit Jasraj.
The pure artiste is only one: Pandit Dinanath.
The predominant values as shown by the last row
are Aesthetic, Theoretical, and surprise…Economic in that order…minimum numerically
being Ethico-religious…reinforcing the belief
that ethos of their society are… ahem…liberal …
The common trait -unexpectedly- of the Institution
Makers is Political (Power) though the reverse may not be necessarily true…
And the Don is Ustad Allauddin,
care-free about Economic consequences, mindful of other Human Values,…त्यांचे वैभव आगळेच ….! He could do it without waiting for Money...!
And just check who’s closest to
him in Value terms as perceived by IndrayaniKaathi…at Serial number 8…
Very interesting comparison.. How would Pt Shivkumar Sharma fare?
Thanks Monito. Regarding Pt. Shivkumar, he's theoretical-he and Pt. Umadutt, his father, developed the techniques that make his recitals serious classical. He's also spiritual. Very nice interview at Not Political, given the role he concedes to Hairy Harry ( you can imagine who-is-who)
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